
Track trends and behaviour among online communities

      • This program provides professionals with the knowledge and skills to participate in social media on behalf of their organization or brand, to create effective content, to manage communities through on-line communication, and to manage content from a wide range of sources in order to optimize its potential for the organization. They will also learn to monitor and track digital content; to carry out environmental scanning; to track trends and conversations with a view to influencing opinion and behaviour and enhancing their organization’s digital footprint and reputation; and to identify and connect with customers.

                           At the end of this course the participant is able to:

      • Participate in social media networks on behalf of their organization or brand, and engage and manage online communities.
      • Use social media tools for public relations, marketing, publicity, recruitment, handling leaks, reputation management and crisis communication, as well as in support of social causes.
      • Track trends and behaviour among online communities and understand how they function.
      • Measure the results of digital media communications.
      • Understand corporate trends and best practices in digital communications.
      • Create original content for digital communication.
      • Manage digital content and communities in support of organizational objectives.

Online Admission and Registration

To be admitted to the program and to register for courses:

Once you signup , you will receive an email message confirming receipt.

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