
                      #INBOUND #MARKETING

      • Another reason why inbound marketing is winning is because it costs less than traditional marketing. Why try to buy your way in when consumers aren't even paying attention? 

      • 44% of direct mail is never opened. That's a waste of time, postage and paper.
      • 86% of people skip through television commercials.
      • 84% of 25 to 34 year olds have clicked out of a website because of an "irrelevant or intrusive ad."
      • The cost per lead in outbound marketing is more than for inbound marketing.
      • Inbound marketing focuses on earning, not buying, a person's attention, which is done through social media and engaging content, such as blogs, podcasts and white papers. This content is interesting, informative and adds value, creating a positive connection in the eyes of the consumer, thus making him more likely to engage your brand and buy the product. So it costs less and has better a ROI.
                    • Inbound marketing focuses on earning, not buying, a person's attention, which is done through social media and engaging content, such as blogs, podcasts and white papers. This content is interesting, informative and adds value, creating a positive connection in the eyes of the consumer, thus making him more likely to engage your brand and buy the product. So it costs less and has better a ROI.


                Track trends and behaviour among online communities

                    • This program provides professionals with the knowledge and skills to participate in social media on behalf of their organization or brand, to create effective content, to manage communities through on-line communication, and to manage content from a wide range of sources in order to optimize its potential for the organization. They will also learn to monitor and track digital content; to carry out environmental scanning; to track trends and conversations with a view to influencing opinion and behaviour and enhancing their organization’s digital footprint and reputation; and to identify and connect with customers.

                                           At the end of this course the participant is able to:

                    • Participate in social media networks on behalf of their organization or brand, and engage and manage online communities.
                    • Use social media tools for public relations, marketing, publicity, recruitment, handling leaks, reputation management and crisis communication, as well as in support of social causes.
                    • Track trends and behaviour among online communities and understand how they function.
                    • Measure the results of digital media communications.
                    • Understand corporate trends and best practices in digital communications.
                    • Create original content for digital communication.
                    • Manage digital content and communities in support of organizational objectives.

                Online Admission and Registration

                To be admitted to the program and to register for courses:

                Once you signup , you will receive an email message confirming receipt.

                How It Works

                  1. We find the  type of content you’re looking for.
                  2. We start hunting for and delivering the best content in minutes (or seconds).
                  3. Share the content immediately or schedule the content to be shared later.
                  4. Boost your social media engagement and focus on what matters.

                           69% of Content Marketers say a lack of time is their biggest challenge

                No obligation, no credit card required.

                Drive traffic, increase fan engagement and save time on social media.


                 Customers are waiting for you, what are you doing about it ?


                CONTACT US TODAY!